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Which famous trees live in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks?



California has so much beauty and the sequoias are no exception. Found only in California thanks to the climate of the Sierra Nevada mountains, they are the largest trees in the world, by volume (second to only the redwoods by height). Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park are where the majority of the sequoias have thrived for over 3000 years. There are few experiences as humbling as walking through the Giant Forest, where most of the largest trees in the world call home. Allow plenty of time to hike these trails, as there is no shortage of magnificent works of art by mother nature. But if you are after the most magnificent of all the giants, these are the must sees:

General Sherman – the largest tree in the world by volume. General Sherman is located in the Giant Forest which is most people’s first stop after passing through the Ash Mountain Entrance of Sequoia National Park. Continue along the Congress Trail, a paved and easy trail in the Giant Forest, to take in all of Sherman’s neighbors.

General Grant – the second largest tree in the world by volume, also known as the nation’s Christmas tree. General Grant is located in Grant Grove in Kings Canyon National Park.

Tunnel Log – One of the most insta-famous spots in Sequoia National Park, Tunnel Log was created when a giant sequoia tumbled in the 1930s. You can now drive your car through this magnificent tree located near Moro Rock.

General Sherman and Tunnel log are two of the most popular things to do in Sequoia National Park and General Grant and the Grant Grove make the list of the top attractions in Kings Canyon National Park.

For more famous trees and a map, check out: Famous Trees in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks on Seeker.

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