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Where to stay near Sequoia National Park?



There are many lodging options in Sequoia National Park and the surrounding area. Whether you are looking for tent camping, RV camping, glamping or lodges with all the amenities, there is something for everyone!

Cabins near Sequoia National Park

For a rustic experience without sacrificing amenities, consider one of the many cabin options within Sequoia National Park and the surrounding area.

Hotels near Sequoia National Park

There are many hotel options both within Sequoia National Park and the neighboring towns, especially near Three Rivers. If staying outside of the park, be aware that it can take an additional 45 minutes to drive from the park entrance to the top things to see and do in Sequoia National Park.

Campgrounds in Sequoia National Park

If you are interested in sleeping under the stars, there are 14 campgrounds in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks managed by the National Park Service.

Planning a trip to Sequoia National Park?

Start with our 2023 Guide to Sequoia National Park.

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