What’s the weather like in Mammoth Cave National Park ?

The weather at Mammoth Cave National Park is moderate. Temperatures average in the low 40s in winter and in the high 80s in summer. The temperature in the cave is a constant 54 degrees Fahrenheit. The highest average percentage of precipitation in Kentucky occurs where the park is located. Up to 50 inches falls each year, mostly in the spring. Severe weather is infrequent, but tornadoes and flooding may occur. Visitors should wear good walking shoes and bring a light jacket or sweater!

  • The weather at Mammoth Cave National Park is moderate. Temperatures average in the low 40s in winter and in the high 80s in summer. The temperature in the cave is a constant 54 degrees Fahrenheit. The highest average percentage of precipitation in Kentucky occurs where the park is located. Up to 50 inches falls each year, mostly in the spring. Severe weather is infrequent, but tornadoes and flooding may occur. Visitors should wear good walking shoes and bring a light jacket or sweater!