Ghana Central Cape Coast

Cape Coast

A historic coastal city, renowned for its colonial architecture, castles, and role in transatlantic slave trade, now a cultural and educational hub.

Tips from the community

I’m endlessly proud of the power of our people. We’ve been weathering storms of colonization, racism, hate, and injustice for centuries, and still, we thrive. It’s one thing to make our way through this world merely surviving, but to do it with such a high level of excellence and grace is something uniquely Black. Time and time again, our human rights are infringed upon, and despite our excellence, this can leave some feeling powerless.  While the slave “castles” in Ghana are no magic utopia that will suddenly make all of your dreams and aspirations come to fruition, there’s a deep power in witnessing the resilience of our people up close. Walking throughout the dungeons —some of which still seem to have a bloody stench—and standing in cells where they were held captive let us know there is nothing we are incapable of conquering.  For an added reminder of who we truly are, book a tour that includes a traditional Ghanaian naming ceremony. An elder speaks reassuring words over you before renaming you by your soul name based on the day of the week you were born. Reclaiming the names stripped from us is a powerful reminder of who we’ve always been. The castles, like us, have been through the unbearable— but they’re still standing. They’re a physical reminder of our unshakeable place in the world.

briari 3 years ago

Cape Coast Guides

Cape Coast Articles

  • Why Every Black Traveler Should Visit Cape Coast, Ghana

    The first time I visited Cape Coast Castle was in 2019. Ghana invited African descendants back home to reconnect with our roots, and I spent months planning to experience all that was awaiting me on the other side of the Atlantic. While the local bars and restaurants were high on my list, I knew that […]