United States Minnesota
Golden Valley
A suburban city located in Hennepin County, MN, northwest of Minneapolis known for its parks, nature areas, and headquarters of a major food company.
Golden Valley Guides
Find Hygge in Bloomington
bloomingtonmn (Bloomington, MN CVB ) Minnesota has more Nordic heritage than any other state, with 45% of residents reporting Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, or Swedish ancestry. That adds up to a lot of cultural pride that displays itself in everything from museums to our professional football team. Whether you’re visiting from a Nordic country or just want to learn more about Minnesota’s heritage, follow this itinerary to immerse yourself in a weekend of Scandinavian activities and find your own version of hygge here in the Twin Cities. Read more here: https://www.bloomingtonmn.org/things-to-do/itineraries/find-hygge-in-bloomington