United States Vermont Montpelier

Hubbard Tower

Tips from the community

Hubbard Park offers quick and easy access to nature just steps away from downtown Montpelier (behind the State House). There are miles of trails, but for extra good views pick a route that takes you to Hubbard Tower and climb the stairs to the top

leah 2 years ago

Hubbard Tower Guides

  • My Hometown Guide to Montpelier

    leah (Leah Fishman)
    Montpelier, Vermont is about as cute as it gets. This smallest-state-capital-in-the-US (population: 8,000 residents) is both a tourist haven and an actually really rad place to live. If you do live here, you know that it's the perfect spot for supporting local, celebrating community and enjoying nature. Here are my fave local hangs in the Capital City