United States Vermont Burlington

Crone Collective Tattoo

Tips from the community

Crone Collective is a group of women tattooers who wanted to make a safe, inclusive space for all bodies. They are collectively owned and operated, which means each artist keeps their money instead of paying a percentage to a shop owner.

leah 1 year ago

Crone Collective Tattoo Guides

  • woman, BIPOC, & queer-friendly tattoo shops in vermont

    leah (Leah Fishman)
    Ever walk into a tattoo stop and feel utterly ~uncomfy~? I've been laughed at, had my body critiqued, been told that certain placements (fingers, hands, ears) are off-limits for "pretty" women ... the list goes on, and I can't be the only one. Luckily, the industry is slowly becoming less gatekeepy, but it's still tough to find an artist and shop that gets (and totally accepts) your vibe. These Vermont studios are built on inclusivity, preach safety and comfort as a top priority, and welcome everyone, regardless of identity.