United States Vermont Burlington
Zabby & Elf's Stone Soup
A cozy eatery in Burlington, VT, serving up nourishing, community-oriented vegan cuisine inspired by the folk story about sharing and inclusivity.
- 211 College Street
- (802) 862-7616
- http://www.stonesoupvt.com/
Zabby & Elf's Stone Soup Experiences
Foodie Road Trip #seekerchallenge
bentito (Brett Tofel) Places to go to eatbest vegan-friendly restaurants near burlington, vt
leah (Leah Fishman) For a small city, Burlington's vegan options are a'plenty. I've been plant-based for 15 years and have lived in Vermont for 10. From grab & go bites to 3-course meals, here are my fave vegan restaurants in and near Burlington, VT.