American Samoa

Pago Pago

Capital village and main port of American Samoa, located on Tutuila Island's southern shore in the South Pacific Ocean.

Tips from the community

Tucked away in the crater of an extinct volcano, Pago Pago holds the unlikely record of being a harbor with the highest annual rainfall in the world. While in Pago Pago, take a ride on a colorful aiga bus with blasting music. There are no schedules and no stops—simply knock on the window when you want to get out. 

irma 4 years ago

Pago Pago Guides

Pago Pago Articles

  • National Park of American Samoa: The Complete Guide for 2023

    With acres upon acres of verdant tropical rainforests, pristine beaches, and teeming coral reefs, National Park of American Samoa is a true hidden gem. Almost one-third of the park’s surface is underwater and home to an astounding 250 coral and 930 fish species, making it one of the country’s marine biodiversity hotspots. The only downside? This […]