Iceland Grindavík

Blue Lagoon

A geothermal spa in Grindavík, Iceland, known for its mineral-rich turquoise waters amidst lava fields, offering relaxation and skin therapy.

Tips from the community

Yes, it’s a tourist trap, but oh my, what a lovely place to be trapped. It wouldn’t be a trip to Iceland without visiting Blue Lagoon. This famed hot spring’s milky blue waters will convert even the biggest of skeptics. The pools are carved into a bed of black lava, filled with hot water from a nearby geothermal plant. You’ll leave with skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Pre-booking Blue Lagoon tickets is essential.

jimmytayles 3 years ago

Blue Lagoon Guides

  • Unbelievable Natural Hot Springs

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Gorgeous geothermally heated water rising from the earth's crust is one of nature's greatest gifts, providing stress reduction as well as aiding with skin concerns. Along with wellness benefits, hot springs also make for an entirely luxurious spa-like experience, and with these glowing pools of stunning and fresh heated water existing around the world, there are plenty of picturesque destinations to sample throughout your travels. We put together a list of the most impressive natural hot springs from around the globe so you can truly indulge in relaxation with destinations including mountainous landscapes, opulent palaces, and luxury spas. Let's take a dip, seekers.

Blue Lagoon Articles

  • 31 of the Best Things to Do in Iceland

    Iceland, the land of fire and ice, is a country to be reckoned with. Isolated between Europe and North America in the far-flung Atlantic, it’s a country in the midst of its own making: volcanoes and glaciers shape the countryside while waterfalls charge off moss-laden cliffs and hot springs bubble forth from below. Lunar-like lava […]