United States North Dakota Grassy Butte

Cannonball Concretions Pullout

A geological site in ND, USA, featuring large, spherical boulders naturally formed in sedimentary rock layers, resembling scattered cannonballs.

Tips from the community

Theodore Roosevelt National Park has some fascinating geological features, but none are more unusual than the cannonball concretions. These are spherical rocks that have formed over time by layers of minerals. The best place to spot them is at the Cannonball Concretions Lookout in the North Unit.

michaelwarford 3 years ago

Cannonball Concretions Pullout Articles

  • Theodore Roosevelt National Park: The Complete Guide for 2023

    Get in touch with your inner cowperson at Theodore Roosevelt National Park. While some national parks blow your socks off the minute you see them, this vast wilderness in western North Dakota creeps up on you slowly. Its namesake, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, referred to the area as “an abode of iron desolation,” which captures […]