United States California Tecopa

China Ranch Date Farm & Bakery

A family-owned oasis offering fresh dates and homemade baked goods amidst scenic desert trails and a tranquil stream.

Tips from the community

One of our all-time favorite places in the world, we shot a segment of our Old Spanish Trail TV documentary (PBS stations and the FNX network) here, with Brian Brown, owner of China Ranch. If you're in this area, this is a must-stop destination! Hiking, date shakes, coyotes, crazy geology, the Amargosa River, the Tonopah & Tidewater Railroad, Kit Carson, date bread, dates, date cookies, picnic areas, more hiking, slot canyons, and date groves you can walk - it's all here, and it's all magical.

southweststories 2 years ago

China Ranch Date Farm & Bakery Guides