China Yunnan Qujing

Luoping County

A county in Qujing, Yunnan, celebrated for its vast, golden fields of blooming canola flowers that draw numerous tourists each spring.

Tips from the community

When spring rolls around in Luoping, an untouched destination in China’s eastern Yunnan province, onlookers are in for a serious treat. It turns out the golden seed of canola results in bright flowering blooms when winter ends, and that happens to be the plant that covers this landscape. The result is mind-boggling, bringing about a vibrant blanket of yellow that seems to go on endlessly. With darker colored mountains jutting out of that colorful blanket, it looks like a scene from a bizarre, hyperreal cartoon more than anything else. Folks, this is one of the very best things to do in China.

sarahlempa 4 years ago

Deep in China’s eastern Yunnan province exists an untouched, off-the-beaten path landscape that looks like its centuries in the past. Each spring, the vast fields turn a stunning shade of yellow thanks to the golden seed of canola. Who knew cooking oil had such an awe-inspiring aesthetic before it hits the shelves.

sarahlempa 4 years ago

Luoping County Guides

  • Yellow Colored Places Around the World

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    From otherworldly volcanic landscapes to fields of cheerful sunflowers, check out these banana-colored yellow destinations around the world.
  • The Most Colorful Places Around the World

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Discover some of the most otherworldly and ethereal landscapes gleaming in heavy pigments, from alkaline red lakes to banana-colored volcanic landscapes. For Pride month we wanted to select the most vibrant destinations across the planet in every shade of ROYGBIV to create the ultimate rainbow-themed bucket list. Let your rainbow flags fly this summer while taking a look at some of the most colorful places on earth. Happy Pride Seekers!

Luoping County Articles

  • 9 Yellow Places You Need to Add to Your Bucket List

    Singer-songwriter Donovan knew exactly what he was talking about when he wrote that song “Mellow Yellow.” This color is an absolute mood booster. And when the sun shines, these locations brighten up our days even more than usual. So grab a banana for the road (to match your surroundings, duh) and explore 9 of the […]