Japan Toshima City

Ikebukuro Life Safety Learning Center

A facility in Toshima City, Japan, offering visitors interactive experiences to learn about disaster preparedness and emergency response.
  • 2 Chome-37-8 Nishiikebukuro

Tips from the community

Japan sits on the ring of fire, an area of the globe that is especially prone to seismic activity — i.e earthquakes and volcanoes. Every year Japan experiences 2,000 earthquakes, close to one every five minutes, and Tokyo does all it can to prepare for this geographic inclination. Every cell phone sold in Japan comes equipped with earthquake alarms. Kids often walk home from school with helmets on because overpreparation is a heck of a lot smarter than no preparation. Citizens (and you!) can also visit the Life Safety Learning Center and experience for yourself what the jolt feels like and exactly what to do if/when the ground starts shaking. It’s a two-minute simulation that registers a 6.2 on the Richter Scale. It’s a life experience we could all use, even if you don’t live on the ring of fire.

laurenallain 3 years ago

Ikebukuro Life Safety Learning Center Articles

  • 40 Free Things to Do in Tokyo

    Tokyo! The city you’ve always wanted to visit, and now you’re finally going. But your mom read on the internet (Facebook) that Tokyo is “expensive,” and she’s concerned about you. She suggested packing some granola bars to offset the cost of food. She’s not entirely wrong. The overwhelming sentiment is that Tokyo, and Japan on […]