United States New Mexico Canyon

Chaco Canyon

An ancient Puebloan site in New Mexico known for its monumental architecture and distinctive ceremonial kivas.

Chaco Canyon Guides

  • two months in new mexico

    leah (Leah Fishman)
    I'm headed to New Mexico in December and am planning a totally solo, COVID-safe getaway with my pup Fiona. We snagged a casita between Santa Fe & Taos and plan to hit all the best hikes within reach. Food stops are for take-out only, national parks will be visited on off-days, and museums will have to be saved for the next trip (RIP Meow Wolf).

Chaco Canyon Articles

  • The Best Things to Do in New Mexico (from A to Z)

    Tucked in the heart of America’s southwest lies the Land of Enchantment: miles upon miles of vast desert, caves, museums, wacky installations and…aliens? This patch of the U.S is where artists retreat, where adobes outnumber hotels, and where your imagination can run absolutely wild. From strange rock formations and plunging caverns to Earthships and UFO […]