Nicaragua Leon León

Leon Nicaragua

A historic colonial city known for its grand cathedral, vibrant culture, and as a former capital, rich in revolution and educational prestige.
  • 8556 0156

Tips from the community

Funny story: I was all geared up to sign up for a class during my undergraduate that included a trip to Italy. Not so surprisingly, that class booked up in the blink of an eye and I booked the only class that fit in that time slot. On our first day, the professor noted the community service hours we had to complete as part of the class could be done during an optional trip to Nicaragua. And so my first international trip to the land of wine and pasta, became a trip to Nicaragua where I hiked a volcano, met community leaders, swam in Lake Nicaragua after dark, and made friends I’ll ways remember.

jasmineagbhow 3 years ago

Leon Nicaragua Guides