United States California Salton Sea
Salton Sea
An accidental desert lake, the result of a 1905 Colorado River flood and one of the largest inland seas in the United States, infamous for pollution.
Salton Sea Experiences
Roadtrip to Slab City
stillontheroad (Giada Matera) @silvia.tedeschini and I went on a roadtrip last Summer to visit Slab City, in SoCal. Slab City is considered the last "lawless" city in the US, and it’s definitely one of the coolest places I've ever visited in my life. #SlabCity3 days in Joshua Tree
chiefseeker (Jody Vandergriff) Staying at the Joshua Tree House (airbnb) for our anniversary in October!Art In The Desert ( California Road Trip )
silvia.tedeschini (Silvia Tedeschini)Most Instagrammable Places in California
stillontheroad (Giada Matera)