United States California Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara de Asís

A historic Spanish mission founded by Franciscans in the 18th century, part of California's chain of religious and military outposts.
  • 500 El Camino Real

October 1926, a fire destroyed the church. The university rebuilt it, aiming to restore its 1825 appearance, with the restoration completed in 1928.

As you walk around, you will observe multiple paintings and statues, each worth taking a moment to appreciate. Inside, there are three main highlights among the collection of art front and center by the high altar. Behind the high altar, two murals by Candelario Rivas from 1931 are the primary attractions: one depicts St. Anthony embracing Christ on the cross, and the other shows St. Francis of Assisi. Above these, a reproduction of Augustine Davila's 1825 painting features angels and saints peering down from heaven. These artworks not only add to the aesthetic beauty of the mission but also offer a glimpse into the religious and artistic heritage of the region during that period.

Mission Santa Clara de Asís Guides

  • Santa Clara Art Trail: Mural Projects in Santa Clara

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    <p>Art abounds all throughout Santa Clara. We’ve curated a collection of mural projects in Santa Clara that you should discover. Whether you're seeking the perfect backdrop for your next Instagram post, you're a connoisseur of art, or perhaps you fall somewhere in between, there's something for everyone. These murals showcase a range of styles and themes, reflecting the rich culture and creativity of the Santa Clara community.</p><p>Don't miss the chance to appreciate the talent and passion of the artists who have transformed these walls into canvases. Whether you're a local or a visitor, discovering these mural projects is a delightful way to experience the artistic heartbeat of Santa Clara.</p><p>Join us on this art trail and embark on this vibrant journey through Santa Clara’s streets and neighborhoods, where each mural tells a unique story.</p>