United States California San Jose

Christmas In The Park

An annual holiday festivity featuring decorated trees, lights, exhibits, and community entertainment to celebrate the season.
  • 194 S Market St

Christmas In The Park Experiences

  • The best spots to see holiday lights in Silicon Valley

    explorelosaltos (Explore Los Altos )
    As the holiday season approaches, South Bay and Silicon Valley transform into a twinkling wonderland, with spectacular light displays as far as the eye can see. Whether you're a local resident or just visiting, the festive cheer is contagious, with neighborhoods and public spaces glowing with intricate installations of colorful lights. From the whimsical displays in Christmas Tree Lane to the dazzling technology-driven shows in Silicon Valley, these spots have become seasonal highlights, drawing visitors from all over. So grab a cozy scarf, some friends or family, and prepare to embark on a luminous journey through the best spots to view holiday lights in the area – places where the magic of the season truly comes to life.
  • Christmas in the Bay Area

    stillontheroad (Giada Matera)
    Santa's villages, Christmas tree farms, and all about the holly jolly holidays in the Bay Area! πŸŽ… πŸŽ„