Australia Western Australia Cape Le Grand
Cape Le Grand Beach
A pristine white-sand beach in Western Australia, known for clear turquoise waters, granite outcrops, and frequent kangaroo sightings.
Tips from the community
Any Australian beach has a one in 10,000 chance of being the best. Not great odds. But according to a recent poll, that’s the exact title that Cape Le Grand, a seemingly endless stretch of white on Western Australia’s southern coastline, currently holds.
As soon as you arrive, there’ll be no doubt as to why. An Australian beach so long you can’t see its beginning, middle, or end? Check. White sand so pure that it squeaks when you walk? Yes sir. Friendly wildlife including grey kangaroos and pygmy possums (the world’s cutest possum, hands down)? Tick. The whole place to yourself? Thanks to its rather remote location, you betcha.
Cape Le Grand is everything a beach should be and then some. It’s like Mother Nature’s magnum opus — she cherry picked her best work from all her other beaches and threw it all down on the Western Australian coast. Sure, it’s more than eight hours from the nearest capital city, but that’s exactly what makes it so special — if it were anywhere else, it wouldn’t be half as good.
So east coast, shmeast coast, am I right? If you’re a beach bum about to book your Aussie escape, don’t limit yourself to a tiny fraction of the land down under. The north, south, and west are more than worthy of your attention too.
michaelcatford 6 years ago
Cape Le Grand Beach Experiences
Cape Le Grand Beach Articles
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