United States California Los Angeles

Buds & Roses

A premier cannabis dispensary renowned for quality products and customer care, offering a wide selection of strains and cannabis-derived goods.
  • 13047 Ventura Boulevard

Tips from the community

Buds & Roses, a renowned dispensary located in Los Angeles, California, stands as a prominent destination on the state's Cannabis Trail—a curated route celebrating the Golden State's legal cannabis industry. Known for its high-quality, award-winning cannabis products and exceptional customer service, Buds & Roses provides consumers with an upscale experience, reflecting the evolution of the cannabis market into a sophisticated lifestyle amenity. Visitors following the Cannabis Trail can explore the dispensary's diverse offerings and possibly indulge in cannabis-infused treatments at local spas, illustrating the integration of recreational and wellness-oriented cannabis use within the Californian culture.

seeker 3 weeks ago

Buds & Roses Guides

  • California Cannabis Trail: From dispensaries to spas

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Embark on a journey through the Golden State's greenest gems with the California Cannabis Trail. It's a path that weaves together high-quality dispensaries, relaxing cannabis-infused spas, and some of the most scenic spots perfect for enjoying that laid-back West Coast vibe. Whether you're a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or new to the scene and curious about the plant's therapeutic benefits, this trail has something for everyone. From the bustling streets of San Francisco to the sun-kissed valleys of Napa, get ready to explore the best spots for cannabis enthusiasts looking to experience the full spectrum of what California's cannabis culture has to offer.