

A Greek island in the Aegean Sea, known for longevity, Blue Zone status, and a myth involving a father-son flight attempt.

Tips from the community

Okay, so Ikaria’s backstory might not be the most reassuring. The place got its name from fated hero Icarus who is thought to have plunged into the Aegean Sea close by after his wax wings melted on account of his hubris. Then there was the time the island was used as a politico prison for exiles during the Greek Civil War. But, as the locals will say with a sprightly smile, that’s all ancient history these days. Now, Ikaria prefers to chillax in a haze of gritty morning coffees and afternoon siestas. Oh, and the isle is hailed as a so-called Blue Zone, where life expectancies are way higher than other places. Perhaps that’s down to the radio-energized natural springs? Or could it be the hearty farm-to-table food that’s served in tavernas from Nas to Armenistis?  

jrfrancis 5 years ago

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