United States New Mexico

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

Ancestral Puebloan archeological site in New Mexico featuring monumental stone ruins and ancient ceremonial structures.

Tips from the community

Chaco Culture National Historical Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the southwestern region of the United States. The park holds the ruins of an ancient civilization, giving visitors a glimpse into the culture and society of the Chacoan people. Pueblo Bonito, which is one of the largest great houses in North America, is a must-see attraction in the park. Visitors can also discover the celestial insights of the Chaco culture by observing the sun and moon cycles on the park's solar calendar.

seeker 1 year ago

Chaco Culture National Historical Park Guides

  • World Heritage Sites in North America

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Sprawling natural parks with unique wildlife, ancient and mysterious temples, world-renown monuments, and more- the continent of North America is one with a deep history to be uncovered. Explore some of humankind's most famous mysteries and witness nature's magnificence at these UNESCO designated world heritage sites across the massive continent.