

A southern Mexican state bordering Guatemala, known for its Maya ruins, colonial towns, and diverse indigenous cultures within lush rainforests.

Tips from the community

As a state in Southern Mexico, Chiapas boasts some of the most impressive cultural and natural World Heritage Sites in North America. The ancient ruins of Palenque, the sacred waterfalls of Agua Azul, and the colorful colonial architecture of San Cristobal de las Casas are just a few of the must-see attractions in this region. Visitors to Chiapas can immerse themselves in Maya culture, explore some of the continent's most biodiverse ecosystems, and discover the rich history and traditions of this fascinating destination.

seeker 1 year ago

Chiapas Guides

  • World Heritage Sites in North America

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    Sprawling natural parks with unique wildlife, ancient and mysterious temples, world-renown monuments, and more- the continent of North America is one with a deep history to be uncovered. Explore some of humankind's most famous mysteries and witness nature's magnificence at these UNESCO designated world heritage sites across the massive continent.