
Old City

Ancient walled area with significant religious sites for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, including the Western Wall and Dome of the Rock.

Tips from the community

If you’re going to put one place on your absolutely-must-visit list, this is it. This walled, sacred, one-kilometer city is entered through one of seven gates that lead to four separate quarters: The Jewish Quarter, The Armenian Quarter, The Christian Quarter, and The Muslim Quarter. Inside, you’ll find winding stone streets, alleys and markets overstuffed with trinkets, houses, tourist traps, and incredible historic and religious treasures like the Tower of David, the Western Wall, the Dome of the Rock, and the St. James Cathedral. Pro tip: The best view of the city from the Mount of Olives, where you’ll get a stunning view of the old city set against the backdrop of the West Jerusalem skyline.

leah 5 years ago

Old City Articles

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    Israel may be small, but it’s steeped in more culture, religion, and history than just about anywhere else in the world. From mystic mountains, endless deserts and dead seas to holy walls, ancient temples, and modern street art, Israel was built for literally every type of traveler. Visiting for the first time can be tricky […]