Japan Okinawa Yonaguni

Yonaguni Monument

An enigmatic underwater rock formation near Japan, believed by some to be ancient man-made ruins, stirring debate about its origins.

Tips from the community

A subject of debate for historians, geologists, and the paranormal community alike, the Yonaguni Monument is a mysterious formation located off the coast of Japan's southern islands, submerged deep beneath the sea. Professionals cannot agree if this structure is man-made or a natural formation. Not only that, it has ties to extraterrestrial sightings and talks of buried ancient civilizations.

seeker 3 years ago

Yonaguni Monument Guides

  • Mysterious Monuments Around The World

    seeker (Seeker Editors)
    It's your time to shine mystery junkies and conspiracy theorists because we have the list for you. These elusive destinations across the planet feature ancient structures, computer-like design, submerged formations, and even talk of extraterrestrial beings. With experts from around the world bickering and theorizing about the origin and purpose of these intricate monuments, we need to take matters into our own hands and uncover the ancient secrets of humankind- and potentially even more than that.